Firefighters Helping Firefighters was born out of the tragic Southwest Inn Fire in 2013 and since then we have provided over $550,000 to 400 fire families in crisis. There is no other organization in Houston that serves active duty firefighters and yet there is a significant and growing need.

We have many firefighter families suffering from life threatening illnesses requiring extended medical care, many have had major surgeries, some have suffered loss of their dependents and some families have lost their firefighter in the line of duty. We are THEIR safety net.

In addition to these services for firefighters, we also give back to the community through our Hangin’ With Heroes program where our firefighters spend quality time with hospitalized children playing games, doing art, telling stories and having fun. This program is soon expanding to adult physical and mental rehabilitation hospitals and clinics.

Our Mission

Support our Houston Fire Department members in crisis


May 31st 2013 was the most devastating and deadly fire in Houston Fire Department history, where a 5-alarm motel fire claimed the lives of Now FIVE Houston Firefighters and injured many others. This horrific event was the catalyst for several Houston Firefighters who wanted to create an organization dedicated to helping other firefighters in need.

Firefighters Helping Firefighters has been able to help 400 firefighters/families since our inception May of 2013. We provide financial assistance to critically injured or sick firefighters and their families who are burdened with extensive hospital or treatment medical expenses and funeral costs.